What Are the Benefits of a Free Case Review for South Bend Crash Victims?

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on November 17, 2023

. Updated on January 4, 2024


Car crash victims often hesitate to call an attorney because they think an initial consultation costs money. However, many firms offer potential clients a free initial consultation, including Pfeifer, Morgan and Stesiak.

Below, our experienced South Bend car accident lawyers discuss the advantages of a free initial case review, how victims should prepare for the consultation and what happens afterward.

The legal process involves various steps, deadlines and other details. Victims who hire an attorney often have an advantage, as they usually obtain more compensation than those who do not hire lawyers. Our attorneys are here to help and have secured millions for crash victims.

Call today to request your FREE case review. (844)-678-1800

What Happens During a Free Consultation?

The purpose of an initial consultation is to discuss your potential case with an attorney. The attorney will gather details about your accident to determine how he or she can help you pursue compensation. You can also ask the attorney any questions you may have, such as questions about your rights, how lawyers get paid or the legal process.

What Do You Gain From a Free Consultation?

There are many benefits to attending a free consultation with an experienced lawyer.

Many injury victims are unfamiliar with the steps needed to proceed with legal actions. A free initial consultation helps you gain clarity on how to move forward with your claim.

Obtain Legal Guidance Without Financial Commitment

An initial consultation allows you to learn more about your potential case, the legal process and how a lawyer can help you, and there is no financial commitment. Not only is the consultation free, but there is no legal obligation to hire the attorney you meet with.

Some victims do not want to meet with an attorney because they think they must pay a fee. They may also think they must hire the lawyer after the meeting.

Learn How Lawyers Are Compensated

Injury victims often have many questions about how lawyers get paid. Lawyers have various fee structures, depending on the types of legal services they provide.

In personal injury and accident cases, attorneys work on contingency fee basis. Injury attorneys are not paid unless they recover compensation through a settlement or courtroom verdict. When injury attorneys recover compensation, they are paid a percentage of the settlement to cover their costs. In other words, injury lawyers front the cost of managing your case and are reimbursed at the conclusion of the legal process.

The no upfront fee structure is much different from other types of lawyers who charge upfront fees before working on a case. The contingency fee structure helps to level the playing field, giving injured victims access to the legal system regardless of their financial situation.

An Attorney Can Answer Your Specific Questions

You can find a lot of information about the legal process on the Internet. However, you cannot get answers to specific questions about your accident from a Google search. A one-on-one meeting with an attorney allows victims to gain more clarity about their specific incident.

Every case is unique. There unique facts and details, including details about the accident and your injuries. You need legal guidance that considers these unique factors.

Learn What a Lawyer Can Do For You During the Legal Process

In a free consultation, the attorney can explain how he or she can assist you with your case. For example, lawyers can:

  • Gather evidence like police report, witness statements and surveillance footage
  • Communicate and negotiate with insurance companies
  • Obtain and review medical records
  • Calculate damages such as medical expenses, property damages, loss wages, and pain and suffering
  • And more

At Pfeifer, Morgan and Stesiak, we are always available throughout the legal process to answer your questions and update you on the status of your case.

Should I Bring Anything Specific to My Consultation?

Legal consultations give victims tremendous value, particularly when victims bring important information with them, such as:


Come prepared with questions that you want to ask. You could write these questions in a notebook or make notes in your smartphone.

You can also jot down notes about the things the lawyer said. For example, your lawyer may recommend taking certain steps to help strengthen your case.

Documents Related to Your Car Accident

Here is a list of documents that you can bring to your initial consultation to help the lawyer determine your legal options:

  • Accident reports
  • Medical records
  • Photographs or visual evidence
  • Insurance information
  • Witness information

What Happens After a Consultation?

After an initial consultation, you are not obligated to work with the attorney. If you do decide to hire the lawyer, he or she will discuss legal fees and review the contract with you.

In some cases, a lawyer may not be able to take on your case if it is outside of their scope of practice. They could refer you to another attorney.

Call Our Licensed South Bend Attorneys Today

If you are suffering from an injury caused by a negligent driver, contact our South Bend office to schedule a consultation. There are no upfront fees. We only get paid after we successfully obtain compensation for you.

We know compensation cannot undo what happened, but we know how important it is when victims are trying to manage the financial consequences of an unexpected injury.

Call (844)-678-1800 today to schedule a free consultation.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases