Why You Should Never Ignore Hip Pain After a South Bend Auto Accident

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on November 10, 2023

. Updated on November 22, 2023


man holding hip in painCar crashes can cause aches and pains that may go away on their own after a few days. However, sometimes pain or soreness indicates a much more severe issue, like a hip injury.

You should never ignore hip pain because it has the potential to turn into a long-term injury that could severely limit your mobility. Hip injuries can also have life-threatening consequences if left untreated.

Pfeifer, Morgan and Stesiak’s experienced South Bend car accident lawyers discuss car crash hip injuries, including the different types, common symptoms and how to seek compensation for damages.

We have obtained more than $200 million on behalf of our clients. We have 170-plus years of combined experience and there are no upfront costs.

Call to schedule a free legal consultation: (844) 678-1800.

How Long Could You Feel Pain in Your Hip After a South Bend Crash?

The answer to this question depends on the type of injury you suffered. Sometimes pain goes away within a couple days. Sometimes the pain could last for months, even with medical treatment, it depends on many factors unique to the victim, such as:

  • Preexisting medical issues
  • The type of injury causing hip pain
  • If you wait to seek treatment that could stabilize the injury and prevent further damage

When Should You Seek Medical Help For Hip Pain?

You should never make assumptions, positive or negative, about an injury that may have been caused by a car accident. You may think an injury is minor, but you could be wrong. If you wait to seek treatment based on a false assumption, you could pay the price later.

It is usually best to err on the side of caution and seek treatment for any aches or pains you feel after a crash. However, seeking treatment is particularly important if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble moving your hip
  • Pain in your lower abdomen
  • Swelling or bruising of the skin on your hip
  • The leg on the affected side appears to be turned outward
  • Pain when you walk or stand up
  • Walking with a limp
  • Pain in your groin
  • Pain in your tailbone

These are symptoms that could indicate a long-term injury. Without immediate treatment, your symptoms could get much worse and you may develop long-term complications.

Common Types of Hip Injuries Suffered in Vehicle Crashes

The trauma from a car crash can cause a variety of hip injuries, particularly the ones listed below:


This occurs when your femur pops out of your hip socket. This can interrupt the flow of blood, which can destroy tissue. Hip dislocations can also damage nearby nerves and blood vessels.

Dislocations can occur when crash victims suffer blunt force trauma to the hip or leg.

Broken Hip

Vehicle occupants could break any of the three bones that make up the hip: ilium, pubis or ischium. You could also fracture the hip bone socket. This is known as an acetabular fracture.

Your hip could fracture if your knee slams into the dashboard during the collision.


This refers to inflammation of the tendons that attach your muscles to your pelvis. People often associate tendonitis with repetitive use of a tendon, but it can also be caused by sudden trauma.

This injury can be incredibly painful and limit your movement.

Hip Bursitis

Your joints have padding around them – small sacs called bursae help make joint movement easier. However, these sacs can become inflamed during a crash. The pain is often sharp when the injury occurs. Aching and soreness can get worse when you lie on the injured hip.

Labral Tear

The labrum is a type of soft tissue that covers ball and socket joints, like your hips. The labrum allows smooth movement of the thigh bone inside the hip joint.

Sprains or Strains of Hip Ligaments

Sprains or strains occur when ligaments are stretched farther than they can handle. When you suffer a hip strain or sprain, your hip can become much less stable.

What Are Some Complications From Hip Injuries?

Doctors can provide effective treatment for many car crash hip injuries. Physical therapy can also help victims regain strength and mobility in the affected area.

However, there are potential complications with many injuries, particularly hip injuries. For example, you may need to avoid moving the hip for a long period, which can result in:

  • Potentially life-threatening blood clots
  • Pressure sores from sitting for too long
  • A severe loss of muscle mass, which makes falls more likely to occur
  • Pneumonia
  • Arthritis, which can be incredibly painful and limit movement

While immediate treatment for a car crash hip injury is vital, victims also need to stick to the treatment plan. Skipping steps in your recovery could increase the risk of long-term medical issues. This can affect your ability to work and lower your quality of life.

Compensation For Medical Treatment and Other Damages From a Car Crash

Crash victims who suffered hip injuries may be eligible for significant compensation. For example, surgery and physical therapy for a hip injury often costs a lot of money. This includes compensation for hospital stays, prescription medication, follow-up appointments, and more.

Compensation may also be available for lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and pain and suffering. Pain and suffering refer to the physical and emotional consequences of your hip injury. Our experienced lawyers can explain how to document these damages, such as by keeping a journal. You should also make sure to inform your doctors about the amount of pain you deal with and how it affects your life.

Call Pfeifer, Morgan and Stesiak to Schedule a Free Legal Consultation

Our attorneys are committed to seeking maximum compensation for past and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. We have a well-documented history of success representing victims of a variety of car accidents.

Contact our firm today to learn more. There are no upfront costs with our services.

Pfeifer, Morgan and Stesiak is here to help. Phone: (844) 678-1800.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases