Delaying Medical Care After an Accident May Damage Your Claim

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on February 26, 2020

. Updated on March 23, 2022


medical examination female doctorWhen people are involved in a car crash, they may feel dazed and confused about what to do next. Many are in a state of shock, so if there is no physical evidence of a wound, injured victims may choose to put off getting a medical examination. However, this could be a mistake.

At Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak, we have been advocating for car accident victims for decades, and we strongly recommend that you protect your health and get examined immediately after any accident.

After seeking medical treatment, we encourage you to contact one of our knowledgeable South Bend car accident lawyers for a free car crash consultation. We are available to answer your legal questions and determine whether you may have a case. There are no upfront fees if we represent you. We only get paid for our services if we win a recovery for you.

Schedule your free consultation with our firm today: (844) 678-1800

Protect Your Health

After calling police to report the accident, you should immediately seek medical care. However, it is not uncommon for accident victims to fail to see a doctor until days or weeks following an accident, because:

  • Adrenaline prevents them from feeling pain
  • There may be concerns about the high cost of medical care, especially if a victim is uninsured
  • People worry that making a claim through their insurer will increase premium costs
  • Victims assume their injuries are minor and that they will heal quickly

People may decide to skip medical treatment for other reasons, however doing so could put your health at serious risk. Here is why:

  • The injury may be severe or life-threatening, as with internal bleeding or damage to organs
  • The symptoms of an injury may not appear for days or weeks, as with a traumatic brain injury

Your doctor may use imaging, laboratory tests or other diagnostics to check for hidden or serious injuries.

Medical Records Help Provide Evidence

Seeking immediate medical care helps if you later decide to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver, because your medical records provide evidence of a link between your injuries and the accident.

In order to establish the at-fault party’s negligence, you will need to be able to prove the following:

  • The defendant owed a duty of care and breached it
  • You suffered injuries because of the breached duty
  • The defendant’s negligence directly resulted in your damages

Delaying Treatment Devalue Your Claim

Any delay to seek medical care provides the insurance company with an opportunity to argue that your injuries were either minor or happened elsewhere. Additionally, since the overall value of a claim is largely based on the extent of your injuries and length of time it takes you to recover, you could end up paying more out-of-pocket expenses for medical treatment if your injuries are more serious than you initially thought.

How an Attorney May Help to Strengthen Your Claim

Hiring a reputable lawyer from Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak can be an important step in helping you to recover compensation for your damages.

If you have a case, our lawyers are prepared to fully handle every aspect of the legal process on your behalf, including investigating your accident, gathering evidence, handling all communications and negotiating a fair settlement for the damages you sustained.

Contact our firm today to set up your free consultation: (844) 678-1800

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases