Common Driving Hazards During Spring in Indiana

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on March 17, 2023

. Updated on June 2, 2023


Car driving in the springtimeAs the snow begins to thaw there are some hazards on the road to keep an eye out for, including increased foot traffic and hailstorms. More drivers may start their day while the sun is not out yet due to daylight savings time, which can increase the chances of an accident.

If you were injured in a crash, call our South Bend car accident lawyers today. We can discuss your claim during a free consultation. If you choose to work with us, there are no upfront fees for our services. We only get paid when we recover compensation for you.

Below, we discuss some common springtime road hazards.

Pedestrians, Motorcyclists and Cyclists

Warmer temperatures mean more people gear up to enjoy the weather. This means increased foot traffic as well as cyclists digging their bikes out of their garages to go for a ride.

Drivers should stay aware of the hazards these individuals may pose, while non-motorists should also be cautious when hitting the roadway.

Pedestrians should pay attention to where they walk and avoid jaywalking. A jaywalking pedestrian could be partially liable for damages if he or she gets hit by a car. However, the driver is likely to bear more liability, as he or she should have taken additional precautions to avoid a collision with a pedestrian.

Sharing the road with cyclists can be dangerous, too. Indiana law requires drivers to allow at least three feet of clearance while passing someone on a bike. Similar to pedestrians, drivers owe an additional duty of care to cyclists. However, people on bicycles must also follow the law to avoid a collision with a vehicle.

In Indiana, bicyclists have the same rights on the road as anyone driving a vehicle, with some exceptions. For example, a cyclist may not carry more than one person on a single bike without the proper equipment for passengers.

Motorcycles are also common when the weather starts warming up. Drivers should be cautious when driving around motorcycles, as these vehicles do not offer the same physical protection as a car. It is important to keep tips like “look twice” in mind when driving during the springtime.

If a motorcyclist drives in a negligent manner and causes a collision, though, he or she may be liable for damages.

Drowsy Drivers

Springtime blooms enhance the presence of pollen, so many people may take allergy medication. Many of these drugs come with side effects, including drowsiness. Even though there are warnings against driving after taking allergy medication, some people may do so anyway. If a person took a drowsy-inducing drug, got behind the wheel and caused a crash because he or she fell asleep, that person could be liable for your damages.

There is also daylight savings time to consider. When the clocks spring forward, that hour of sleep can feel like an entire night for those who get up early for work in the morning. This could also increase the likelihood of a driver falling asleep behind the wheel.

Rain and Hailstorms

Inclement weather can be dangerous during any time of the year. However, rain and hailstorms are more common during the spring. Even light hail can be dangerous, as it can crack or shatter the windshield on a vehicle. For some drivers, this could be distressing enough to cause them to swerve and crash into other vehicles on the road.

Wet roads and speeding drivers is also a dangerous combination. Due to the increased likelihood of rain in spring, drivers should be careful when it starts raining. Remember that drivers still have a duty of care to others when the weather is not ideal for driving.


Once the snow melts, the damage to the roads from snowplows can be significant. Potholes pose not only a risk to a vehicle’s tires, but they can also result in an accident if one driver swerves to avoid a pothole and ends up hitting another car. The driver who swerved may be liable in this case.

Unmaintained Vehicles

Many people forget to check their vehicle’s tire pressure when temperatures start rising again. The cold causes tires to deflate, and this could be dangerous. Low tire pressure makes it more difficult to come to a full stop. It could also make steering more difficult.

Drivers who fail to maintain their vehicles in proper working order could be liable if an accident results from their negligent maintenance of a vehicle.

Hurt in a Crash? Call Us Today

There are many hazards on the road drivers should be aware of. Some of these springtime dangers may be more common than others.

If you were injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you have the right to pursue compensation for your damages.

Call (844) 678-1800 today to schedule a free consultation.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases