What To Do if You Have Headaches After a Car Crash

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on June 23, 2023

. Updated on June 30, 2023


Woman holding her head in pain.Headaches after a car crash are not uncommon. It can be a result of various factors, including the physical impact of the accident or underlying injuries. It is important to understand the cause of the headache and take immediate action to ensure your well-being.

Our knowledgeable South Bend auto collision attorneys are prepared to help you with the legal process, as it can be complex, and while you focus on getting better. We offer a free consultation and there are no fees while we work on your case.

Below, we discuss different types of headaches, their possible causes and what steps to take for medical attention and legal help.

What Are Some Common Types of Headaches After a Crash?

There are two main categories for headaches: primary and secondary.

A primary headache is when the head itself is the problem. Although the brain cannot feel pain, the inflammation of pain-sensitive parts of the body in and around the neck and head may be the cause of these types of headaches. There are types of primary headaches that may result from a crash injury.

A secondary headache is usually triggered by another condition and is usually more serious than a primary headache.

The following are the most common types of primary headaches:

  • Migraines – Severe headaches often characterized by pulsating pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea or sometimes visual disturbances. They can be triggered or worsened by a car accident due to the sudden jolts, impact or emotional stress experienced during the incident.
  • Tension headaches – Commonly associated with muscle tension and stress. They typically cause mild to moderate pain, a sensation of pressure or tightness around the head, and may last for hours or even days following a car crash. The stress and anxiety associated with the accident can contribute to the development of tension headaches.

Post-traumatic headaches are the most common type of secondary headaches. These headaches often occur because of traumatic injuries suffered in a car crash. These headaches can be persistent and may have the same symptoms as migraines or tension headaches. They often require medical attention and evaluation to determine the extent of the underlying trauma.

What May Be Causing Headaches After a Crash?

There are different reasons accident victims may experience headaches after a crash. Usually, it is associated with an injury from the accident.

Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft-tissue injuries commonly occur in car accidents and can contribute to headaches. These injuries involve damage to muscles, tendons, and ligaments, particularly in the neck and upper back regions.

Whiplash, a common type of soft-tissue injury, is a frequent cause of post-crash headaches. The sudden jerking motion of the head during an accident strains the soft tissues, leading to inflammation and pain that radiates to the head.

A herniated disc, which is another prevalent soft-tissue injury after a crash, may also lead to headaches. This is due to the jelly-like substance pushing up against the nerves around your spine, sending pain signals up your neck and into your head.

Pinched nerves may also contribute to headaches, depending on the affected nerve. Whiplash, herniated discs or other soft-tissue injuries can cause this.

Brain Injuries

Head trauma in a car crash can result in various types of brain injuries, which may manifest as headaches. These injuries include the following:

  • Concussions – This is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a blow or jolt to the head. Headaches are a common concussion symptom, often accompanied by dizziness, confusion, memory problems and sensitivity to light and noise.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) – More severe car accidents can cause traumatic brain injuries, which range from mild to severe. Headaches associated with TBIs can be intense and persistent. Other symptoms may include nausea, cognitive difficulties, mood changes and sensory disturbances.
  • Brain hemorrhage – When bleeding occurs in or around the brain when small blood vessels rupture. Symptoms may include sudden or severe headaches, nausea, cognitive difficulties and seizures.

Psychological Injuries

Getting into a car accident may also cause psychological injuries that can trigger headaches. Common psychological conditions after a crash include the following:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – May develop after experiencing a traumatic event like a car crash. Headaches are among the physical symptoms that individuals with PTSD may experience.
  • Anxiety and Depression – The stress associated with a car accident injury and the process of recovering compensation may lead to these mental health conditions, which can manifest as headaches.

We Are Ready to Help. Call Us Today

If you are experiencing headaches after a car crash, it is important to have support during this challenging time.

Our team of dedicated lawyers is ready to assist you. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation to discuss your legal options.

No upfront costs. No risks. Call (844) 678-1800 today.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases