Can a South Bend Car Crash Claim Cover Chiropractic Treatment?

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on May 9, 2024

. Updated on May 9, 2024


massaging someone's backMany car crash victims visit chiropractors for treatment of their injuries, especially conditions like whiplash or spinal cord damage.

Below, we discuss what crash victims need to know about chiropractic care, particularly questions about whether victims can claim compensation for the cost of this treatment.

At Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak, we help crash victims obtain compensation for their recommended medical care. If you have any questions about seeing a chiropractor after a collision caused by a negligent driver, call us to discuss your legal options.

Our South Bend car accident lawyers have a track record of success in auto accident claims, securing millions for our clients.

Call today to set up a FREE case review: (844) 678-1800.

Can a Car Crash Claim Include Chiropractic Care?

Many crash victims have recovered compensation for chiropractic treatment, such as for whiplash. However, this is an issue that should be reviewed with an experienced lawyer. He or she can determine if this treatment would be covered by the liable insurance company.

It is often best to see a doctor first. If the doctor recommends seeing a chiropractor, it would likely be covered by a car insurance claim. The bottom line is you need to have a diagnosis from a doctor to help validate your claim. If you have an injury that is commonly treated by a chiropractor, going to this professional for treatment is likely to be covered.

Make sure to keep track of bills and appointments with the chiropractor. You want to make sure you have proof of all your medical costs when submitting your claim.

It is critical that you follow through with all your medical treatment, including chiropractic treatment, as it shows the severity of your injuries. You have a legal duty to attempt to mitigate your damages, which often means following through with medical treatment if it is helping alleviate your symptoms.

How Chiropractors Can Help Victims of Car Accidents

There are specific benefits of seeing a chiropractor after getting hurt in a South Bend collision:

  • Pain Relief: Chiropractors can treat various types of pain, including back pain, neck pain and headaches with non-invasive techniques like spinal adjustments and manipulations.
  • Identifying Injuries You May Be Unaware of: Sometimes chiropractors discover injuries you were unaware of when they perform a physical evaluation. These are often injuries that require treatment from other medical professionals, like orthopedists.
  • Reducing Inflammation: Inflammation is the body’s natural response to an injury – your body releases various chemicals to help protect the injured area. Chiropractors have various methods for reducing inflammation, which can help to relieve pain.
  • Improved Mobility: Chiropractic care aims to restore proper alignment to the spine and joints, which can improve flexibility and help restore range of motion, in the arms, legs and other body parts. This helps prevent long-term pain and supports a faster recovery process.
  • Drug-Free or Non-Surgical Treatment: Chiropractic care does not involve drugs or surgery. While medications and surgery are necessary in some cases, they also come with the risk of side effects and complications. Some injury victims may be able to heal their injuries through chiropractic treatment.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Chiropractors develop individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s specific needs and health goals. Chiropractic care focuses on addressing the root cause of pain and discomfort rather than just masking symptoms. This can help promote long-term healing and wellness.
  • Improved Posture: Chiropractic adjustments can correct postural imbalances, reducing strain on the muscles and joints and promoting better posture.
  • Stress Reduction: Chiropractic care can help alleviate tension and stress stored in the body, promoting relaxation and overall mental well-being.
  • Better Sleep: Many patients report sleeping better after receiving chiropractic care, as pain relief and reduced stress make it easier to get a good night’s sleep.

Types of Chiropractors You Can Visit for Treatment of an Injury

Car crash victims can visit two types of chiropractors: traditional and rehabilitative. Both types of chiropractors address injuries from a collision.

  • Traditional chiropractors focus on spinal adjustments and musculoskeletal issues. These types of chiropractors can help crash victims with sharp pain, stiffness or limited range of motion.
  • Rehabilitative chiropractors specialize in rehabilitation and functional recovery. Treatment includes exercises, stretches and therapeutic modalities. They are more focused on your long-term recovery and preventing ongoing issues.

What Are Some Treatments Chiropractors Can Provide to Victims?

After a chiropractor diagnoses your injuries, he or she can determine which treatment would be suitable for you based on your recovery needs.

Here are some common treatments they provide:

  • Soft-tissue manipulation, including massage therapy, trigger point therapy and myofascial release. These treatments are aimed at reducing inflammation and improving blood circulation.
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation involving specific exercises to build strength and improve your flexibility.
  • Electrotherapy using muscle stimulation and laser therapy to target and reduce pain, repair tissues and help make other treatments more effective.
  • Nutritional counseling – advising victims on proper nutrition to support their healing and tamp down inflammation.

Call Pfeifer, Morgan and Stesiak To Discuss Your Legal Options

You do not have to navigate the complicated legal system alone. If you are unsure about the next step or have any questions, our knowledgeable lawyers can help you determine your legal options.

Our legal team has decades of getting results for our clients without any upfront costs or fees. We only get paid if you receive compensation.

Call our office today for answers to your legal questions: (844) 678-1800.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases