Who May Be Liable for an Accident Caused By Sun Glare?

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on July 7, 2023

. Updated on August 28, 2023


Woman driving with the sun glaring through the windshield. Driving during certain times of the day, particularly sunrise and sunset, can pose significant challenges due to sun glare. Sun glare occurs when sunlight directly enters a driver’s field of vision, making it hard to see the road and other vehicles.

If you were injured in an accident caused by sun glare, our South Bend auto accident attorneys are prepared to help. We offer a free consultation to discuss your legal options, and there are no fees while we work on your case.

Below, we discuss what makes sun glare dangerous and how liability for these accidents may be determined.

How Sun Glare Can Cause an Accident

Sun glare can blind drivers, obstructing their vision and making it nearly impossible to see clearly. When sunlight directly enters the driver’s field of vision, it creates a glare that can be highly distracting and hazardous. The intensity of the glare can vary depending on factors such as the position of the sun, time of day, weather conditions and the angle it hits a driver’s eyes.

One of the primary ways sun glare affects drivers is through reflections. The sun’s rays can reflect off various surfaces, including windshields, mirrors and buildings. These reflections can intensify the glare and further reduce a driver’s visibility. When the driver’s vision is impaired, it becomes difficult to identify other vehicles, pedestrians and hazards on the road. Crucial details such as traffic signals, road signs and lane markers may also be obscured, making it hard to navigate safely.

How Is Liability for a Sun Glare Accident Determined?

Drivers have a responsibility to adjust their driving behavior to accommodate for sun glare conditions. This includes taking necessary precautions such as using sun visors, wearing sunglasses and maintaining a safe speed. If a driver fails to take these reasonable measures to mitigate the effects of sun glare, he or she may be held liable for the damages caused by an accident.

However, it is important to note that liability may not always fall on a driver. Other parties may also share fault depending on certain circumstances. For example, if the accident occurred due to inadequate road design or maintenance, the government entity responsible for the road’s maintenance could be held liable.

Another party that may be liable for sun glare accidents is construction companies or property owners if there is something on the property causing excessive sun glare resulting in vehicle collisions. One example of this is if a construction company places reflective signage in an area where the sun directly hits it and the light bounces off it in a way that impedes the vision of drivers on a highway.

Proving fault for a sun glare accident may be difficult. This is because drivers will blame sun glare to evade liability and holding powerful entities like governments, construction companies or property owners can be challenging. Therefore, it may be in your best interest to work with an experienced attorney.

What Legal Options Are Available After a Sun Glare Accident?

If you were injured in a crash caused by sun glare, you may be able to pursue compensation for your damages from the other driver.

Since fault for these types of collisions generally falls on the negligent driver, you may be able to file a claim with his or her liability insurance.

Once a claim is filed, your attorney can help you gather the necessary evidence to prove the other driver was careless while driving through sun glare, resulting in the collision that injured you.

Using this evidence, your attorney may also be able to help you negotiate a settlement that covers the extent of your damages with the insurance company. However, if an agreement cannot be reached or the insurance company refuses to accept liability and pay out the claim, your attorney may also be able to file a lawsuit on your behalf.

Generally, insurance companies prefer to settle claims instead of incurring the added expenses of going to court. Despite the likelihood your case will be settled, it is important to have an attorney on your side who is willing to take the case to court, as the insurance company is more likely to pay out fair compensation if there is a risk of getting sued.

How Can I Avoid a Collision Caused By Sun Glare?

While it may be impossible to completely eliminate sun glare, there are several measures drivers can take to minimize the risks associated with it. The following are some tips to keep in mind when the sun is at its peak:

  • Use sunglasses – Polarized sunglasses can effectively reduce the intensity of sun glare.
  • Use sun visors – Adjust your sun visor to block out direct sunlight, especially during sunrise and sunset.
  • Clean your windshield – Ensure your windshield is clean both inside and out, as smudges and streaks can intensify sun glare.
  • Keep a safe following distance – Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you, allowing for additional reaction time in case of sudden changes in traffic.
  • Slow down – Reduce your speed when encountering sun glare conditions to have better control over your vehicle.
  • Be aware of road signs and markings – Pay closer attention to road signs and markings, as they can guide you when visibility is low.
  • Use extra caution at intersections – Approach intersections cautiously, as other drivers may also have difficulty seeing traffic signals or pedestrians due to sun glare.
  • Change your route: If you have an alternative route where you are not driving into the sun, that may be your best option.

Call An Experienced Attorney Today

Sun glare accidents can lead to serious injuries, leaving victims with hefty medical bills and other damages.

If you were injured in an accident caused by sun glare, it may be in your best interest to work with our knowledgeable attorneys who have decades of experience recovering fair compensation for accident victims.

We offer a free consultation, and there are no fees unless we successfully recover compensation for you.

Call (844) 678-1800 today to get started.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases