Just Received A Class Action Notice? Here’s What To Do Next

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on May 11, 2011

. Updated on April 28, 2022


So, you’ve received a notice in the mail stating that you may be a affected by an upcoming class action lawsuit or could benefit from a settlement negotiation that is already in progress.

What do you do?

1. Don’t just chuck the notice in the junk mail pile.

Instead, read it carefully to see if the class action suit affects you. The notice will give names of the major parties involved, the date the incident in question occurred, and steps to take in joining class action if your choose to do so.

2. Make your decision only if you feel comfortable doing so.

People who can prove their claim to any settlement funds or in belonging to the class may want to join. This proof includes time cards, receipts, and anything else depending on your case. If your are unsure, Don’t opt out just yet.

3. Consult with a personal injury attorney before opting out.

Explain your case in the free consultation, and bring along anything that may help, including the notice. Even if the suit is being brought by another firm, you can have your own attorney and still be a part of a class action suit.

Your South Bend personal injury attorney will know what to do in order to ensure that your rights are protected and your interests are heard in the midst the large class of people joining in the suit. It also doesn’t hurt to have someone to confer with on every step of the process.

4. Opt out if you decide to stay out of the proceedings, or you would like to pursue your own case.

The class is not the only way to seek remedies for your injuries, especially if yours is a very strong claim. Consult your attorney first; striking it out on your own may be an option, if the class action suit is not the right way to seek a remedy.

5. Know your rights before making a decision.

Many class members are unaware that you can object to a settlement that you feel is unfair. However, you may not be entitled to leftover settlement funds.

The agreements usually designate a charity to receive the money left over after the class members and all attorneys are paid.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases